Sisworo the Jenglotman, married Anggun, the daughter of Mbah Kusumo, a shaman. During five months of the marriage, Sisworo and Anggun were terrorized. Apparently, they were terrorized by Sisworo's own father-in-law. Mbah Kusumo wants the power of the Jenglotman Belt! Like it or not, Sisworo had to fight his own in-laws to be able to live in peace.
Bhisma Wardana
Sylvia Marsha
Achmad Zidanal Khoiril
Alif Muhammad Abrar
Dani Mahdi
Jagad Lanang
M. Labib Fairuz Ibad
Hirzan Karami
Riza Levandy
Fadhil Alfian
Alif Muhammad Abrar
Lalitya Putri
Firly Khurin'in
Hirzan Karami
Asri Diantari
Riza Levandy
Fadhil Alfian
Daiyan Uthsa