This documentary is the last feature film of the "Trilogy of Catharsis" - a documentary series by filmmaker Adriana L. Dutra. This film leads us to reflect on the way in which fear dominates humanity and how the system takes advantage of this feeling to manipulate the masses, exploring the appropriate aspects in each environment to achieve its goal.
David Carroll
Francis Wolff
Marcelo Jasmin
Cyrille Bret
Padre Júlio Lancellotti
Ailton Krenak
Flavia Oliveira
Amit Goswami
Frank Furedi
Jason Stanley
Benny Briolly
Erick Felinto
Paula Johns
Ivana Bentes
Tamsin Shaw
Linda Yueh
Barry Glassner
Adriana L. Dutra
Tatiana De Souza
Yuka Tanaka
Tamara Pekelman
Luciana Clark
Claudia Castello
Talíria Petrone