Inspired by a real event, the film follows 27-year-old Lara (newcomer Diana Kolenc), a paramedic intern who helps bring 30-year-old Kristijan (Vito Weiss) into the hospital, after he was brutally beaten on a Facebook live stream that was seen by 20,000 people and no one called the police. Although Kristijan is in a coma, Lara starts to receive video clips from his Facebook profile, showing unidentified persons watching him get beaten. She reports this to detective Borut (Jure Henigman, from A Trip and Dual), who starts an investigation. All the observers, who appear in the video clips, will become Lara’s nightmare in her real life. She soon realizes that she is also an accomplice in this horrible event.
Diana Kolenc
Jure Henigman
Nataša Keser
Pavle Ravnohrib
Blaž Setnikar
Vladimir Vlaškalić
Vito Weis
Benjamin Krnetić
Jelena Aščić
Damjana Černe
Luka Cimprič
Seku Conde
Jan Cvitkovič
Maks Dakskobler
Barbara Drmota
Lara Fortuna
Mojca Funkl
Deniel Hadžić
Senta Jeler
Saša Krajnc
Aleš Kranjec
Suzana Krevh
Julita Kropec
Gabriele Martelli
Sreten Mokrović
Robert Prebil
Marta Razboršek
Rok Rakas
Liam Benjamin Štante
Timon Šturbej
Lara Vouk
Gregor Zorc
Žiga Zupanc