The young Jimena searches for her identity. The film follows the life of the young woman with her mother and grandmother, white middle-class women, and the exchange of letters with her father, a foreign and black man, whom the young woman resembles. Seeking to free herself from the feeling of inadequacy, Jimena rewrites her family relationships and creates other ways of experiencing love, friendship and work ties. Through her eyes, the film considers questions about class, family, tradition, race and gender.
Mônica Maria
Margô Assis
Matilde Biadi
Ricardo Campos
Carlos Francisco
Jhon Narváez
Clélia Lemos
Luciano Raimundo Marques
Marcelo Souza e Silva
Enzo Daniel Amorim Santos
Dayane Lacerda
Robert Frank
Sinara Teles
Magna Maria
Gustavo Ruas
Esther Az
Giulia Puntel
Luana Vitra
Sara Pinheiro
Lydia Del Picchia
Rosemar Maria de Jesus
Danúbia Gardênia
Marina Cyrino
Nathalia Fragoso
Patrícia Bizzotto
Sérgio Gomes
Juliana Perdigão