Five friends vacation plans turned into a disaster when trapped in a mysterious house in Kaliurang, which is located at the foot of Mount Merapi. The house that was supposed to be a place to stay was actually holding grudges and anger. Will they be able to return home safely? Brama, Kinan, Anom, Aji and Rani who decided to rest in a comfortable house on the way, realized that they were trapped in something terrible.
Shareefa Daanish
Randy Pangalila
Erika Carlina
Wafda Saifan Lubis
Khiva Rayanka
Teddy Prangi
Imed Lase
Fauzia Djuita
Keeren Nathan
Zahra Puspa
Ian Antono
Ahmad Syafei
Mattheo Grunge
Deni Sanjaya