Special 50th anniversary recording of the Tokyo Imperial Theater production of the Fiddler on the Roof. Set in the little village of Anatevka, the story centers on Tevye, a poor milkman, and his five daughters. With the help of a colorful and tight-knit Jewish community, Tevye tries to protect his daughters and instill them with traditional values in the face of changing social mores and the growing anti-Semitism of Czarist Russia.
Hisaya Morishige
Kaoru Yodu
Eiko Ezaki
Chieko Baisho
Yuriko Matsuoka
Chiyoji Tomimatsu
Takao Inoue
Hiroaki Tanioka
Natsuko Kahara
Tsunehiko Kamijô
Masanori Tomotake
Michinosuke Sakagami
Koko Arai
Eihide Iwami
Naoya Mikami
Takuma Miya
Keiko Tomita
Chinu Izumi
Junko Hayashi
Yasuhiko Morucha