The film revolves around a lawyer who inherits a huge fortune and falls in love with his neighbor, but her family refuses to complete this marriage and marries her to another man, which prompts him to move to the countryside due to the shock. There, he meets a visual artist and a friendship develops between them that develops into love. The artist supports him amid his financial crisis, which caused him to lose everything he owns.
Saad Abdul Wahab
Zahrat El-Ola
Magda Al Sabahi
Abdel Warith Assir
Mimi Chakib
Mohammed Tawfik
Ferdoos Mohamed
Salah Sarhan
Abdel Ghani Qamar
Salah Nazmi
Wedad Hamdy
Samia Roshdy
Mohamed Elwan
Abdel Moneim Ismail
Lotfy Abdel Hamid
Abdel Hameed Badawy
Soliman Naguib
Hussain Ismael
Khristo Kladakis
Abdel Moneim Saudi
Kawthar Shafik
Fifi Youssef
Ali ElMoaawen
Ahmed Bali
Anwar Madkour