The 1956 movie based on the theater play by Carl Zuckmayer based on the true story of cobbler Wilhelm Voigt who dressed up as a German military officer and, with the help of unsuspecting soldiers, took over the city hall in Köpenick and confiscated the city's purse.
Heinz Rühmann
Martin Held
Hannelore Schroth
Willy A. Kleinau
Leonard Steckel
Friedrich Domin
Erich Schellow
Walter Giller
Wolfgang Neuss
Bum Krüger
Joseph Offenbach
Ilse Fürstenberg
Maria Sebaldt
Edith Hancke
Ethel Reschke
Siegfried Lowitz
Willi Rose
Willy Maertens
Wolfgang Müller
Balduin Baas
Reinhard Kolldehoff