Wasao, an Akita dog in Aomori Prefecture that became famous as an ugly-yet-cute dog from a traveller's blog. Heartwarming drama starring Wasao himself turns part of the life of this former stray into an original story. Setsuko, who runs a grilled-squid shop in a fishing village at the foot of the Shirakami mountains, decides to take in a large dog with a long, unruly fur that has shown up in town. She names the dog Wasao and showers it with affection, but Wasao at that time doesn't take to Setsuko.
Hiroko Yakushimaru
Wasao Kikuya
Masahiro Koumoto
Sawa Suzuki
Masaki Izawa
Junko Abe
Daisuke Shima
Mikio Osawa
Toshinori Omi
Sabu Kawahara
Mansaku Fuwa
Koichi Ueda
Shirō Sano
Takashi Sasano
Mitsuru Hirata
Makiko Kuno
Seira Maeda
Kai Inowaki
Ouki Fujimoto
Yoshizumi Ito