The film is based on a story by Corbijn and Bono, and includes several of the characters Bono created for the album. The plot focuses on a Parisian motorcycle officer, played by Saïd Taghmaoui; the character has become disillusioned with his life and the conflict between immigrants and the police in the city, causing him to leave to see his girlfriend in Tripoli.
Saïd Taghmaoui
Marta Barrio
Lizzie Brocheré
Janina Washington
Elana Argiros
Mariam Bell
Selma Brook
Cordelia Bugeja
Sandra De Sousa
Elisa Eymery
Mona Goodwin
Mercedes Grower
Georgina Leonidas
Eva Tecedeiro
Elisa Terren
Siren Turner
Francisco Javier Malia Vazquez
Adam Clayton
The Edge
Larry Mullen Jr.