Determined to fulfill his life’s mission, 26-year-old John Allen Chau embarks on a dangerous adventure across the globe to convert the uncontacted tribe of North Sentinel Island to Christianity, while a detective from the Andaman Islands races to stop him before he does harm to himself or the tribe.
Sky Yang
Radhika Apte
Naveen Andrews
Ken Leung
Toby Wallace
Ciara Bravo
Marny Kennedy
Claire Price
Olamide Candide Johnson
Dieudonné Ngabo
Samson Coulter
Asher Teja Yasbincek
Ash Barba
Ali Fardi
Apindereep Singh
Ellis Eyres
Aldous Ciokajlo Squire
Archie Fisher
Zachary Willis
Mav Kang
Mridul Das
Ram Gopal Morwal
Saurabh Agarwal
Erik Alens
Summer Knox