The film tells the story of a 15-year-old country girl Katarin (Anna Straface) who starts to become a woman. Here the director (Cecil Satariano) brings before us a village girl with all the contrasts between the innocent life of the typical Maltese village and the modern world of that Malta was shifting into at that point in time.
Anna Stafrace
Frank Pisani
John Hurle Hobbs
Doreen Grech
Ettore Calleja
John Navarro
Armando Urso
Karen Manduca
Lily Manduca
Maria Cassar
Marian Fava
Minion Crockford
Antoinette Garrone
Marion Rizzo
Anna Pace Bonallu
Sue Lewis
Maurice Diamantino
Marvic Stafrace
Albert Coppini
Lizabeth Said
Charles H. Wood
Charles Gatt
Costanz Micallef
Melita Sammut
Pamela Brown
Joe Sculuna
Joe Zammit Cordina
Jane Xuereb
Doris Abdilla
Charles Arrigo