Ocean (Monica Calhoun), a 27-year-old highly-motivated mother has found her calling in managing a neighborhood apartment building along with the residents and the problems found within. As she struggles with a new job, a new home, her own children, a difficult niece, and the issues of other tenants, all within learn something about taking action and using compassion in their own lives.
Monica Calhoun
Richard Roundtree
Billy Dee Williams
Diahann Carroll
Irma P. Hall
Valery M. Ortiz
Virginia Montero
Zach Callison
Carlo Mendez
Janice Kent
Clint Culp
Janice Lynde
Jonathan Biggs
Nieko Mann
Ava Marie Easter
Logan Grove
China Anderson
Brooklyn McLinn
Brandon McKinnie
Jeffrey Stubblefield
Judith Moreland