While the last remnants of the Empire are extinguishing and King Philip II (1559-1598) is dying in the shadow of lost splendor, a man, defying the divine and human justice, turns his passions into fate and his will into law. His fame is as great as his pride. His conviction, eternal. His name, a legend: Don Juan. Free adaptation of "Don Juan" by Moliere.
Fernando Guillén
Mario Pardo
Charo López
Héctor Alterio
Ana Álvarez
Manuel de Blas
Iñaki Aierra
Olegar Fedoro
Yelena Samarina
Alicia Sánchez
Ayanta Barilli
Gabriel Latorre
Celestino Diaz
Carmen Lozano
Fernando Ransanz
Paco Villar
Joan Potau
Cayetana Guillén Cuervo
Beatriz Bergamín
José Carlos Rivas
Rogelio Puertas
Celia Bermejo
Rafael Pozo