Red Lantern is a homage to Ethnic-Australian Creatives. It explores the struggle of following your creative pursuits against all odds and family expectations, without a guarantee of success. A timeless tale of culture versus creativity, and how the two can intersect to give birth to something powerful.
Marshall-Weishuai Yuan
Almitra Mavalvala
Malek Domköc
Sangeetha Gowda
Seth Pang
Ramez Badawy
Michelle Saina
Serena Chen
Liam Finlayson
Jin Ping Zhao
Adrien Gaerlan
Chelsea Macey
Siobhan Wilde
Hassan Elkawam
Stella Wu
Emily Calcagno Chalco
Indie Clarke
Tia Gellatly
Jody Hirsch
Finn Thomas
Kumkum Vats
Kelli Bailey