In the seedy domain of Miami’s criminal underbelly, a seasoned hitman embarks on the relentless pursuit of his next target. The movie is shot entirely through thermal lens as he navigates a twisted world where violence and madness reign supreme. Tensions unravel, leading to a psychedelic journey that blurs the lines between predator and prey.
Jordi Mollà
Travis Scott
Joshua Tilley
Stet Blancett
Chanya Middleton
Xavier Rawson
Madison Anderson
Savannah Brownfield
Megan Hernandez
Elizabeth Vianale
Lawryn Nicole Amey
Cyn Chey
Bianca Surrey
Lou Mahoney
Ed Cass
Sandra Ramos
Jonathan Mercado
Scott Ference
David McPhee
Henry Moy
Chau Von
Mai Nguye
Quoc Van
Jerry Nguye
Nicholas Gallagher
Cyrus Marinay
Domingo Paisano
Jordan Serin
Cyan Serin
Taylor Bates
Evense Janvier
Felipe Reinoso
Hunter Harrell
Jah Bullet
Sasha Bengisu
Noah Miller
Erik Rios
Nehemiah Hayes
Gilbert Cruz
Ja-Qway Janvier
Oneil Wort
Jordan Knight
Jaime Lederl
Warren Noel
Nelly Delisbrun
Jarred Jones
DoJuan Bethel
Jose Brea
John Fully Thomas
Carlos Dixon
Remington Norman
Khuan Michel
Nikki Sky
Tiffany Grant
Jennie Campos
Jesse Lee Wong
Natalia Cardona
Halle Victoria Payne
Dustin Greer
Ryan Perea
Quentin Wright
Daniel Sharkey
Jay Lee
Matias Incoronato
Aveus Bush Jr.
Melody Sullivan
Yoanet Ramirez
Larrisha Blackman
Tia Yahnke
Zenia Sosa
Nayari Ng
Imani Lewis