A short film and a documentary, it explores the stories of a handful of CCP's staff, some of whom have stayed for decades working as stagehands, flyers, and lighting crew. Working tirelessly throughout each production, they embody the persevering heart of the theatre, with some of them clocking into the CCP as early as four in the morning to complete a task or get a head start.
Luis B. Alcoran
Rolly B. Bobis
Marcelino J. Camacho
Anne Camille Balistoy
Ricardo Eric Cruz
Hallie Rold Aldon
Gerado Guieb
Hector Villavert
Bomir Aguja
Edgar Aguja. Jr.
Romeo Borja Jr.
Alvin Alvarez
Leonardo Cabalejo
Edward Philip Cailanan
Norman Aguirre
Ryan Villarta