This hilarious and touching documentary tells the story of how three older, gay, "bears" working in Hollywood, tired of having their gay-themed ideas rejected by the mainstream, decided to self-produce their own web series. Against all odds, the comedy featuring three bear roommates like "The Golden Girls" solving crimes a la "Murder, She Wrote," became a sensation online and one of the most successful web shows of all time. The documentary examines ageism, body-shaming, sex-positivity, the creative process and how friendship and community can ultimately create something beloved all over the world.
Scott Beauchemin
Karamo Brown
Marcus Butron Jr.
Kevin Chamberlin
Margaret Cho
Rick Copp
Coley Cummiskey
Joe Dietl
Brooke Dillman
Ted Endres
Loretta Fox
Tim Hooper
C. Julian Jimenez
Ray Kampf
Samuel Kite
Douglas Langway
Dennis Lauengco
David Maddux
Peter Paige
Ian Parks
Missi Pyle
Chad Sanders
George Sebastian
George Unda
Tuc Watkins
Jeffrey Wylie
Ben Zook