The film follows the lives of two families, one living in a Mumbai slum and the other in a luxurious high-rise, whose paths intertwine unexpectedly. A series of events leads to a tragic explosion, leaving one man wrongly accused of a crime he didn't commit. As he fights to clear his name, he uncovers a web of corruption and deceit that threatens to destroy everything he holds dear.
Ritesh Deshmukh
Fardeen Khan
Krystle D'Souza
Priya Bapat
Seema Biswas
Ayaz Khan
Neha Pednekar
Arjun Aneja
Nachiket Purnapatre
Vivaan Parashar
Purnendu Bhattacharya
Satyajeet Kadam
Tejas Gaikwad
Saransh Taneja
Prithviraj Uday Sarnaik
Raj Shekhar Chandran
Abhijeet Ghadge
Arhaan Khan
Sheeba Chaddha