Life on Earth has changed after the visit of alien ships hovering in various parts of the planet. Their passengers — biopages or "Vitaliki", as they are popularly called — produce a substance called "prak". Its purpose, as well as the purpose of the aliens' visit, is unknown, but nurse Nina (Irina Salikova) from a quiet provincial town hopes to help her sick father with the help of prak. After contacting Vitalik, Nina learns the truth about extraterrestrial beings, which completely changes her life.
Irina Salikova
Sergey Gilev
Aleksey Yarmilko
Valentin Samokhin
Denis Filimonov
Alexandr Mizev
Dmitriy Vorobyov
Elena Lychagina
Aleksandr Nikolskiy
Natalya Pavlenkova
Inna Stepanova
Valeriya Skorokhodova
Ivan Kozin
Konstantin Solovyov
Andrey Kuznetsov
Ilya Ovchinnikov
Anton Bilzho
Dmitry Erokhin
Oleg Evteev
Ivan Raspopov
Vera Fomina
Aleksey Kolubkov
Aleksandr Andrienko