Tatsuya Iguchi, a legendary delinquent feared as the "Mad Dog of Komae," is released from juvenile detention. He starts a new life working at a yakiniku (grilled meat) restaurant called "Sanrui," located far away from his hometown, under the care of his uncle and aunt. However, Tatsuya is under probation, and if he gets into another fight, he's out. In front of him appears Kaname Abe, the vice leader of the biker gang "Zanjin Kirihito." This encounter marks the beginning of Tatsuya's intense journey toward rehabilitation. As he faces gang conflicts, forms new friendships and bonds with his newfound companions and family, the path Tatsuya must take to protect what's important to him unfolds.
Yuki Kura
Kotaro Daigo
Koshi Mizukami
Yuki Yoda
Sho Yonashiro
Shosei Ohira
Sukai Kinjo
Shin Koyanagi
Chikashi Kuon
Ryutaro Yamasaki
Yu Miyazawa
Takuro Osada
On Nakano
Tetta Sugimoto
Marina Watanabe
Daigo Yamamoto
Shoji Tomoharu