On the outskirts of Tokyo, a family of Mitsu Nakahara lives in one of the small huts surrounded by barracks and tin pens. Mitsu's husband died in the war, and she was left alone with four children and works as a day laborer. The eldest daughter Haruko, who is already nineteen years old, works in a clothing store, the second daughter Natsuko works in a restaurant, a schoolboy Akio is studying carpentry, and even the youngest Fuyuko helps her mother by working as a nanny in a neighboring house. Nearby lives a widowed electrician Tokuji Yamada with two boys - Norio and Tatsuo. He has a widowed daughter, Sakiko, who, along with a small child, ran away from home, as she is going through hard times. At Haruko's suggestion, Mitsu and Tokuji get married, and it would seem that happiness smiles on their new family, but it turned out to be short-lived…
Yukiko Todoroki
Hitomi Nozoe
Shinichi Himori
Masami Taura
Takeshi Sakamoto
Toyo Takahashi
Fusako Maki
Mutsuko Sakura
Kyoko Kami
Shoji Maeda
Nobuko Murayama
Yasushi Obata
Machiko Mizuhara
Mitsuyo Mizushima
Masaki Sakurai
Hideaki Nagai