In the heart of Osaka's old neighborhoods lies a run-down apartment building known as "Copo." Its thin walls and lack of privacy are home to a group of residents, each struggling with their own pasts and uncertainties. Yuri, a part-time worker, has fled her family, while her neighbors—an aloof man who lives off women, a shy laborer with clumsy affections, and an older resident running a mysterious business—navigate their complex lives. The discovery of a fellow tenant’s death forces them all to confront their personal dilemmas and the fragile nature of life in the "Copo."
Fumika Baba
Masahiro Higashide
Yuki Kura
Takashi Sasano
Reiko Kataoka
Shiori Fujisawa
Oshirō Maeda
Yui Kitamura
Mai Ohtani
Hiroshi Yamamoto
Kazuko Shirakawa
Sumire Ashina
Kotoha Hiroyama
Nagasaki Taisei