'On the Fringe' is a captivating documentary that takes viewers on a journey through Canada’s most vibrant and eclectic arts festival circuit. Chronicling the experiences of four groups of artists as they travel from coast to coast, the film provides a rare and compelling insight into the world of Fringe theatre, and the artists who rely on these festivals to make their dreams come true.
Martin Dockery
Vanessa Quesnelle
Nancy Kenny
Jem Rolls
Morgan Murray
Danielle Spilchen
Robert Grier
Grahame Kent
Bruce Horak
Chris Wilson
Ingrid Hansen
Peter Carlone
Stacey Hallal
T.J. Dawe
Jayson McDonald
Tara Travis
Rod Peter Jr.
Fraz Wiest
Jeff Leard
Al Lafrance
Bradley Spann
Tony Adams
Sam Mullins
Julia Mackey
Jonathon Paterson
Sydney Hayduk
Chase Padgett