This could be considered the inaugural film of the Jacobean fiction film. Its argument follows the adventures of a group of children of a Mexican Children's Choir, who travel as pilgrims to Compostela, coinciding with the Holy Year. On their journey, they meet a rich and elegant woman, with a sad and dark past, which will provide protection to them.
José Mojica
Lina Rosales
Otto Sirgo
Santiago Rivero
Lola Herrera
Agustín Andrade Torre
Hugo Norman Martínez
Ricardo Magaña Alvarez
Camilo Soto
Rogelio Zarzosa y Alarcón
Francisco Amor
José Sepúlveda
Rosa Palomar
Ricardo Turia
Pilar Gómez Ferrer
Mercedes Cora
Aníbal Vela
Salvador Soler Marí
Isabel Herrera
Delia Luna
Francisco Bernal
Joaquín Burgos
Mateo Guitart
Luis Rivera