In a forsaken, dilapidated town, four inseparable friends long for a brighter future and unwittingly forge a sinister bargain with the devil to transform their destinies. This ill-fated agreement leads to a fiendish pact where they must relinquish their souls in return for their most profound desires. When the friends resist, the devil presents them with an insurmountable task: unravel an enigmatic riddle within a mere 24 hours or endure eternal damnation. As the friends race against time to decipher the conundrum, they soon discover that the devil has even more nefarious schemes in store.
Johnny Jay Lee
Sky Elobar
Steve Bridges
Courtney Gains
Pancho Moler
Clint Glenn Hummel
Mark Torgl
Aaron Groben
Troy James
Brian Patrick Farrell
Maritza Brikisak
Yevgeny Jack Berner
Rachel Robbins
Carl Solomon
Dave Schecter
Lorene Song
Bron Theron
Cas Bulman Zellner
Anthony D. Graziano
Laura Berner
Anthony Hufford
Ted Heim
Paul Bradford
Julie Garcia-Briceno
Francis Lima
Liziane Spinelle
Liz Mathis
Jason Wallace
Ken May
Johnathon Brzek
Robert Turman
Olivia Tolle
Ken Fec
Andrew J. Parker
Kristina Lafser
Steven Kiseleski
Alexander Hauck
Antony S. Parker
Kasey Brown
Paul Bradford
Danica Herberts
Melvin S. Marsh
Cam Jennings
Elaina Fox
Jordan Levin
John Schneider
Jodi Selman
Bill Selman
Jessi Lawless
Lord Z
Gabriel Spivey
Chris Starr