During the Second World War, in 1943, Anne Frendo, a young dreamer and artist, living alone with her father in Tunisia, discovers, by chance, the lifeless body of a French soldier, parachuted in. At the invitation of her aunt, Sophie Frendo, an Egyptologist, she sets out on a journey that leads her to Sfax, Egypt, taking with her a letter that the soldier had begun to write, and which seems to be intended for her.
Emma de Caunes
Éric Caravaca
Bernadette Lafont
Jacques Nolot
Murray Head
Christophe Odent
Lyèce Boukhitine
Arié Elmaleh
Mathias Jung
Rodolphe Congé
Youssef Rekik
Lotfi Abdelli
Jean Romnicianu
Jean-Louis Scaringella
Alain Hocine
Lamine Hasni
Omar Baha
Marc Léonian
Salim Saber
Jimmy Landais
Yann Konisberg
Alexandre Carlsberg
David Le Roch