During the era of Tokugawa Ieyasu, one night a carver named Fujijiro was murdered. Immediately launching an investigation, Denhichi, accompanied by Otoshi and Take, toured the entertainment houses of Ryogoku. There, they discovered a connection between an acrobat and the incident. On their way home, Otoshi unexpectedly encountered an old friend, Inosuke, nervously buying a dagger. Inosuke, a clerk at the Kashimaya store, was in love with Oko, a secret lover of Bunzaemon. Amidst this, Seihei, the head clerk, was murdered by someone, and a dagger belonging to Inosuke was found at the scene, leading Gohei to suspect Inosuke as the culprit. However, Otoshi was hiding Inosuke. Driven by Otoshi's plea and a professional instinct that Inosuke wasn't the perpetrator, Denhichi desperately searched for the real culprit.
Kōkichi Takada
Yumeji Tsukioka
Junzaburō Ban
Kokinji Katsura
Yoshito Yamaji
Shuhei Yamada
Eijirō Yanagi
Michiko Saga
Mitsuo Nagata
Yatarō Kitagami
Mitsuru Chiaki
Isao Ubukata
Hideki Kato
Kenzō Tanaka
Jūshirō Konoe
Toshiko Ayukawa
Kodayu Ichikawa