Following a visit from a mysterious femme fatale, detective Francis Alban finds herself embroiled in a missing persons case in which all is not what it seems. The trail leads her to a 1960s serial killer who was never caught and a violent gangster. As Detective Alban delves deeper into the criminal underbelly of Swinging Sixties London, will she uncover more about herself than she is willing to face? Past crimes, revenge and obsessive love collide in this haunting and surreal Horror-Noir.
Amber Doig-Thorne
Dani Thompson
Laurence R. Harvey
Ayvianna Snow
Dean Kilbey
Annabella Rich
Andrew Elias
Mark Collier
Faith Elizabeth
Michael Fausti
Alexander Churchyard
Singh Lall
Roe Haven
Cy Henty
Hannah Paterson
Shayla Tharp
Nick Burns
Robert Alexander
Michal Szpunt
Carmelo Viviani
Alex Nathan-Woods
Philip Andrew Rogers
Jade Chloe Ayres
Rachel Daphne Oneale
Alice Stevenson
Peter Foxon
Trevor Foxon