In the midst of a battlefield in Flanders during the First World War, British soldier Eddie finds himself facing a mysterious figure who reveals himself to be the god of the dead, Thanatos. He offers him a game - a game for his life. But Eddie is already tormented by the memories of his fallen comrades and the woman who was torn from his life shortly after their wedding. The demons won't let him go. And the game begins...
Helmut Brandl
Timur Güler
Yvette Costeau
Markus Pauli
Monika Brandl
Matthias Sigl
Günther Brandl
Vanessa Schulz
Thomas Schäffler
Melody Bayer
Katja Meyer
Conny Dafner
Florian Parzer
Christina Schuder
Anna Schuder
Alois Brandl
Gisela Brandl
Christian Anger
Martin Eherer
Peter Eherer