Detective Decade Lieutenant and his partner, Officer Hughie Crusade IV, race against the clock to unravel the mysterious and unorthodox antics of The Maid-to-Kill, a methodical serial killer with a strange obsession with… cleaning.
Grayson Buehler
Emilio Nagel
Lauren Dziuk
Aniket Mohapatra
Jonathan Mendes
Connor N. F. Field
Poojitha Sajja
Pranav Krishnan
Stephanie Barman
Gabriel Gonzales
Aaryaman Mummadavarapu
Maddison Schwentner
Lena Le
Sam Paull
Samuel Rojero
Anant Upadhyay
Everett Gay
Róisin Alexis
Lily Rizzo
Austin Baltes
Carlo Dal Colletto
Joon Cho
Michael Azali
Evan Martinez
Star Wei