Director Peter Godfrey's 1950 drama, inspired by true events, dramatizes the crime spree of the notorious jewel thief known as "The Hollywood Raffles", whose famous robbery victims included such real-life celebrities as Joan Crawford, Errol Flynn, Alexis Smith and Dennis Morgan. David Brian stars in the title role, and he's supported by John Archer, Marjorie Reynolds, Jacqueline de Wit, Alix Talton, Ned Glass, Perdita Chandler and columnist Sheilah Graham, playing herself.
David Brian
Marjorie Reynolds
John Archer
Jacqueline deWit
Perdita Chandler
Stanley Church
Alix Talton
Jessie Arnold
Lois Austin
Claudia Barrett
Rodney Bell
Tillie Born
Margaret Brayton
Charles Cane
Geraldine Carr
Russ Clark
Leo Cleary
Fred Coby
Roger Cole
Tom Coleman
Dimples Cooper
Garrett Craig
Paul Cristo
Harry Crocker
Cathy Dart
Herschel Daugherty
Warren Douglas
Bess Flowers
Joel Fluellen
Don Forbes
Art Foster
Ned Glass
Fred Graham
Sheilah Graham
William E. Green
Creighton Hale
Sam Harris
Don C. Harvey
Edward Hearn
Weldon Heyburn
Hazel Keener
Mike Lally
Charles Lang
Lyle Latell
Harry Lauter
Charles Lind
Jack Lomas
Parke MacGregor
Wilbur Mack
Larry McGrath
Art Miles
Harold Miller
Cleo Moore
Howard Negley
William Newgard
Leslie K. O'Pace
Kenneth Patterson
Pat Phelan
John Pickard
Hal Price
Hugh Prosser
Tom Quinn
William Ruhl
Bigelow Sayre
Larry Steers
Clarence Straight
Harry Strang
Sailor Vincent
Duke Watson
Bill Welsh
Robert B. Williams
John Morgan
Tom Wilson