A Dark Comedy by Guile Branco. As Angela, a former dancer, descends into madness, her family tries to cope the best they can. After an infamous dinner where a certain "finger" incident occurs, their lives collectively spiral to new levels of chaos, including, but not limited to, a sadomasochistic power dynamic, a cozy coffin and a bloody endeavor where a dinosaur may or not be present. All of the skeletons will come out at a Halloween night feast.
Lynn Lowry
Julia Coulter
Guile Branco
Lou D'Amato
Asia Lynn Pitts
Pancho Moler
James Griggs
Nika Khitrova
Jackson Leighton
Raja Deka
Della Maylan
Joe Guintu
Dustin Gene
Giovanna Quinto
Mary O. Bremier
Steven D. Newton
Heidi Cox
April Henry
Gui Pereira