Chandra eventually married Putri, Mr. Somad's only daughter. As parents, they would want their daughter to get the best match, not with a criminal like Chandra. Mr. Somad and his wife devised a cunning plan to separate Putri and Chandra. They also managed to send Chandra to a prison cell. However, Chandra was not the only one who could not escape from prison. Again, Mr. Somad and Mrs. Romlah used Jeni to help them. So, will their efforts succeed?
Restantyar Putmida
Hani Azfariza
David Alif Himawan
Maimun Aulia
Rafi Satria Jati
Zulfarida Setiti Wigati
Putri Embun
Ikhsan Pasya
Khairul Rizal Heryanto
Danial Hidayatullah
Suci Istiqomah
Mawahib Alladuni
Rafi Zaidan
Hidayatullah Sapsuha
Mugayatsyah Bahraen
Muhammad Fathurahman
Muhammad Utsman BAMBF
Nur Kholis
Luthfiana Ikhsanti
Taufan Amar Ma’ruf
Haidar Nushir Bi’aunillah
Felix Anggarda
Mugayatsyah Bahraen
Tengku Radja
Aditya Adi Katon Aji
Iqra Huud Zaky Jatsono
Uswatun Nisa
Sausan Shofi Aulia
Wildan Faqih Mumtaz
Farhan Baehaqi
Nadya Aulia Maftuhah
Ariq Wiragita Raharjo