G-men of Japan fifth installment. A young detective, questioning a double suicide involving his police officer friend and a Turkish girl, travels all the way from Kyushu to Tokyo. Disguising himself as a yakuza member, he intends to root out the underworld's base of operations, weaving together love, guns, and violence to unravel the mystery behind the enigmatic incident and the true nature of evil. This thrilling action drama combines suspense with excitement, depicting a tale filled with love, fists, and firearms.
Tatsuo Umemiya
Yayoi Furusato
Yoshiko Mita
Takamaru Sasaki
Sumiko Kaji
Ichirō Shimizu
Rikiya Iwaki
Satsuki Arakawa
Ken Sudo
Kosaku Okano
Akira Takizawa
Keiko Takahashi
Nakajirō Tomita
Mitsuo Andō
Hideo Murota
Takashi Hio
Susumu Namishima
Isamu Yamaguchi
Tetsuya Kigawa
Junji Masuda
Shusuke Sone
Hisashi Kubo
Gōzō Sōma