In an alternate universe of 1967, Lucy is trapped in a cult-like Pool Club under societal circumstances. During an attempt to change her own personal universe, Lucy, unintentionally changes the world for women as we know it. A night of unfortunate events lead her to a gathering of minorities (each representing a true civil rights activists of 1960), who rebel against the American dream. We learn the next morning that most of the action against this society were reset by a powerful individual who represents their government, Dr. George Star.
Brittney Rae
Frantzy Moreau
Brooklyn Krogh
Aidan Daley
David Jura
Daryl Meyer
John Hein
Nina Marie Daniele
Andres Simonian
Ricky Herrera
Mia Scornavacca
Rita Cole
Isaac Beverly
Allena Graff
Pamela Longsword
Amanda Tavarez
Kris Kozlowski
Coco Valencia
Michael J. Sanchez
Mehika Dorval
Natalie Cabo
Vanessa Ilias
Karli Evans
Ally Rachel
Gina Mancini
Krizia Quarta
Daniela Rodriguez
Emily Estrada
Melanie Lopez
Alma Berti
David Gonzalez
Alejandro Martinez
Ian Rolph
Josh Lopez
Miguel Anyelo
Juan Inastrilla
Ziggy Rosado
Natalie Dechime
June Raven Romero
Arin Fadden
Gwendolyne Mustelier
Guillermo Pacheco Soffia
Troy Galembeck-Rohr
Noah Galembeck-Rohr
Randy Floyd
Nevaeh Harris
Amiya Harris
Helena Palladino
Bimini Howie
Mei-Lin HoSang
Makhi Talley
Samantha Craven-Meyers
McKenzie Kinney
Lilah Barreda
Helena Palladino
Mei-Lin HoSang
Jackson Gall