This is a comedy about people who work in the theater, live for the theater, think of nothing but the theater. The director seems crazy, the art director has idiotic ideas, and the acting coach is eccentric: they even look like brothers, related by their common obsession for the theater, linked as one with the actors. The new project is Mozart's Don Giovanni, in which the director insists to give it a brand new interpretation and an avant-garde treatment. Now, he has to deal with the violent objection from the actors, the musicians, the singing coach, the stage manager, and even the cafe bar attendants and the cleaners. The situation is further complicated as the director is such a womanizer like Don Juan... and his lovers and kids keep bugging him throughout the rehearsal...
Etienne Glaser
Philip Zandén
Henry Bronett
Loa Falkman
Agneta Ekmanner
Lena T. Hansson
Helge Skoog
Grith Fjeldmose
Rune Zetterström
Niklas Ek
Krister St. Hill
Gudrun Henricsson
Malin Ek
Anders Clason
Amanda Ooms
Björn Kjellman
Iwar Wiklander
Lars Hansson
Lars Wiik
Saara Salminen
M.A. Numminen
Pedro Hietanen
Ann Petrén
Okko Kamu
Anna-Yrsa Falenius
Henric Holmberg
Björn Gedda
Nils Gredeby
Inga Sarri
Bo Samuelson
Marian Gräns
Iwa Boman
Vladimir Puhony
Lottie Ejebrant
Kristóf Kovács
Inga Landgré
Gerd Andersson
Lars Bethke
Jenny Tyllström
Frida Hasselvall
Gerd Hegnell