Little Mom tells the story of Naura, a beautiful, accomplished 16-year-old girl who is the pride of parents who aspire to become an obstetrician. Unfortunately, her dreams fall apart due to being pregnant with Yuda, a cool and popular guy at school. The situation becomes even more complicated as Yuda moves to Japan and Naura has to face Keenan, the troublemaker at school but is always there for Naura in times of trouble. Naura also has to face Celine, Naura's tough rival in every way, who also likes Keenan.
Natasha Wilona
Ahmad Al Ghazali
Teuku Rassya
Elina Joerg
Kayla Kalaloun
Indra Brasco
Irene Librawati
Raisya Bawazier
Sarah Tuffahati
Novilia Annisa
Sasya Natasha
Rendy Khrisna
Mira Asmara
Dwi AP
Ida Yahya
Adrian Aliman
Rhani Pribadi