The final film of the television series "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson." It is based on the late and little-known stories of Arthur Conan Doyle, united by the theme of the approaching world war and the struggle of the legendary detective with foreign spies.
Vasiliy Livanov
Vitali Solomin
Boryslav Brondukov
Boris Klyuev
Innokentiy Smoktunovskiy
Aleksandr Romantsov
Elena Safonova
Larisa Guzeeva
Igor Efimov
Viktor Koretskiy
Evgeniy Platokhin
Ekaterina Zinchenko
Oleg Aksyonov
Bronislaw Velichko
Konstantin Vorobyov
Vladimir Kalish
Arkadiy Koval
Mikhail Morozov
Natalya Rychagova
Andrey Urgant