Filmed at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane during its two scheduled performances on January 17-18, 2022, tells the story of Bonnie and Clyde. At the height of the Great Depression, Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow went from two small-town nobodies in West Texas to America's most renowned folk heroes and the Texas law enforcement's worst nightmares. Fearless, shameless, and alluring, Bonnie & Clyde is the electrifying story of love, adventure and crime that captured the attention of an entire country.
Jeremy Jordan
Frances Mayli McCann
George Maguire
Natalie McQueen
Liam Tamne
Trevor Dion Nicholas
Jeremy Secomb
Julie Yammanee
Gillian Bevan
Matthew Malthouse
Adrian Grove
Albert Atack
Bea Ward
Russell Wilcox
Debbie Kurup
Simon Anthony
Eloise Davies
Casey Al-Shaqsy