A mysterious girl named Zea successfully captivated the attention of Ares, the leader of Calderioz, whom she suspected to be the mastermind behind the incident that left her brother lying in a coma in the hospital. Things become complicated when they fall in love, with secrets that they each keep to themselves.
Angga Yunanda
Beby Tsabina
Irzan Faiq
Maudy Effrosina
Fatih Unru
Axel Matthew Thomas
Afifah Ifah'nda
Rafael Adwel
Gabriella Ekaputri
Yesaya Abraham
Kiara McKenna
Pangeran Lantang
Alika Jantinia
Adam Farrel
Kevin Royano
Keanu Campora
Anyun Cadel
Aurellia Salma
Marsha Timothy
Nining Yuningsih
Hanata Rue
Tomy Babap
Diego Afisyah