Operation Superstar is a satirical exploration of the contemporary underground DJ scene in Melbourne, investigating the dialogue between individualist and collective mindsets. The film follows two friends, rife with separate naiveties, as they venture into nocturnal chaos with one simple mission, to unsheathe their sacred USB drive and play a DJ set by any means. The only problem is, they aren’t booked anywhere. Their plan takes them on a surreal whirlwind and a night of transformation, punctuated by encounters with comical spiritual mentors including a techno sensei, a giant rat, a hot-pink demon and a gang of predatory scallywags.
Oscar Clark
Noah Lissarrague
Patrick carl
Rohan Garling
Alex Slater
Kendall Blackert
Alex Slater
Rohan Garling
Jamie Miller
Jazmine Lissarrague
Jazmine Lissarrague
Alex Slater