The year is 1939. The world is falling into chaos. Thousands of Poles, held by the Russians in a former monastery, are subjected to brutal indoctrination. An ambitious enemy agent makes it a point of honour to break the resistance of one of them. He is a young, world-famous pianist, respected by his fellow prisoners. His capitulation may result in winning many others over to the enemy's side. An insidious game begins, full of sophisticated manipulation, threats and promises. Can the young artist, a loving father and husband, win a duel with an agent backed by the power and perfidy of the Russian system?
Aidan Gillen
Jakub Gierszał
Julia Pietrucha
Bogusław Linda
Wojciech Mecwaldowski
Mateusz Kościukiewicz
Antoni Pawlicki
Grisha Gorobchuk
Anna Próchniak
Grzegorz Palkowski
Daria Polunina
Magdalena Koleśnik
Paul Freeman
Viktor Zhdanov