The film shows the hard work of the Brkini people, customs and life in the period between the First and the Second World War. The central part of the action is the story of a young couple conditioned by social and property stratification. A typical social drama, based on a true story, has a happy ending, but the events testify to the ossified tradition of subordinate and superior.
Anja Kirn
Peter Filipčič
Jadranka Kirn
Jadran Lukač
Peter Peruzin
Marinka Fabjančič
Angela Dodič
Karmen Mikolj Filipčič
Jože Dodič
Irena Brnetič
Anja Logar
Mateja Simčič
Sabrina Boštjančič
Tjaša Kresevič
Klara Bilješkovič
Anja Bradelj
Rihard Mežnar
Andrej Gustinčič
Sandi Fabjančič
Peter Leban
Denis Kresevič
Boštjan Kirn
Matej Kirn
Boris Ivančič
Andrej Perenič
Anton Taškar
Boštjan Kresevič
Maks Filipčič
Damjan Cetin
Magda Grželj
Suzana Kresevič
Slavka Cetin Čufar