When a new talk show premieres, its release party sets off a chain of mysterious disappearances. Leading the investigation is Detective Willem ‘Midnight’, whose determination intensifies when Luna, the daughter of his best friend, is discovered lifeless in the place’s basement.
Hugh Bernard
Willem Gregory Bernard
Richard Long
Astrid Kjellberg
Lupin Callaghan
Matteo Noster
Gary Hardy
Beatrice Pallas
Kim Watanabe
Rob Watanabe
Marshall Watanabe
Annie Lawrence
Jessie Smith-Jones
Dr. Phillip Shmichael
Ferris McAvoy
Petra Zion
Homer Anderson
Liam Garcia
Tyler Moore
Miner Johnson
Luna Soarez
Sage Miller
Lilky Chavez
Kuroshi Oda
Hugh Bernard
Mortis Thompson
Vanessa Bernard
Pearson Mayers
Pietra Newmann
Pietro Newmann
Barkley James
Johnny Two
Lyla Kjellberg-Long
Lyla Kjellberg-Long