In a small town in New Jersey, two low-life friends work for a high profile crime boss, who assigns the two a job in which they must pull off a diamond heist at a local nightclub. But when the heist goes terribly wrong, the two start to question if their boss can be trusted.
Jason Comisky
Alex Kerr
William Haley
Jack Ricca
Eric Stockwell
Lucas Ricca
James Comisky
Sylas Kennedy
Lex Fabry
Gabriel Soares
Giovanna Weiner
Ben Zou
Owen Enright
Andrew DiGiando
Marcellino Sargius
Neri Innocenti
Benjamin Maddock
Dawson Hann
Mykyta Kochera
Anthony Norris
Connor Brooks
Nathan da Silva
Tony Huynh
Matthew Lioce
Shane Howes
Liam Blackwell
Liam Hann
Elise Ober
Tyler Neuman
Eddie Hough
Jack Veo
Abanob Zaki
Mike Brown
Mack Enright