A tragic-comedy over a dysfunctional Portuguese family. The story of six people who love, hate, split up and meet again - Messias, the husband, a dentist, almost magician; Felizbela, the beautiful wife, almost happy; Joana, the daughter and her boyfriend, almost famous and the grandfather Tobias, a shepherd, almost imortal. Six characters, six stories, one film: Forget Everything I've Told You.
Custódia Gallego
António Capelo
Cleia Almeida
Amélia Corôa
Fernando Taborda
Estrela Novais
João Cabral
Alexandre Pinto
David Fonseca
Jorge Pelicano
Lucinda Loureiro
Alexandra Rosa
Margarida Lopes
Dörte Schneider
Luís Pavão
Jorge Pina
Ricardo Antunes Martins