It begins with a chance encounter between Ro and Ju on a film set. A conventional love film? The characters not only change bodies, identities and desires over seven countries. They struggle with perceptions of themselves and others, fail because of bad scripts, a lack of visas, social expectations or their own demands. In just over 110 minutes, the film shows that love is both individual and universal at the same time. It shows diversity in action and not only dispels prejudices about gender relations and sexism in different corners of the world, but also touches on topical issues such as the war in Ukraine. The film is an ode to love and a declaration of love to filmmaking. Film sets, the madness and confusion of film production and the excitement before the premiere are also themes of the film.
Anna Sinkemat
Patience Amankwah
Linda Verweyen
Alina Dubovska
Klaas Johann Lewerenz
Natalia Dorysheva
Bahali Ruth
Shema Oliver
Mohammad Eliraqui
Sacha Jean Gérard Foucaud-Tournadre
Thomas Arnaud
Mahdi Alizada
Violen Maroto
Ares Riart
Patricia Carmona-Nodual
Imane Bedram
Oussama Etter
Ayoub Alougayl
Gulshan Majeed
Mohammed Omar Khalid Cheema
Nida Ahsan
Umar Hayat Chaudhary