In a dystopian future, Étienne, the son of an influential family in City 14 (formerly Montreal), flees to a neighboring commune to escape an alienating world. He finds himself torn between two opposing realities, where freedom clashes with comfort, leading to a tragic struggle for emancipation.
Gabriel Decelles
Jade Charbonneau
Justin Leyrolles-Bouchard
Rosa Zacharie
Emmy Doody
Marie-Ève Beauregard
Pierre Robitaille
Antoine Jammal Desrosiers
Louis Dion
Agnès Zacharie
Romane Tremblay
Benjamin Cloutier
Gabrièle Charbel
Hiba Jamili
Andrej Milisav
Yohan Ménard
Antoine Quesnel
Mael Bacon
Isac Sévigny
Antoine Belzile
Thomas Charest
Robin Fauteux
Antonio Seputic