In "One Step At A Time," Rafael, a gifted writer grappling with a terminal illness, weaves an emotionally charged tapestry of enduring memories. Through vivid scenes of festive gatherings and driving lessons, he immortalizes his profound love, leaving behind a timeless legacy of inspiration and connection. Unbeknownst to his family, they become unwitting characters in Rafael's carefully crafted narrative, embracing a lifetime of joy even in his physical absence. The bittersweet truth unfolds, revealing the indelible impact of a life imagined, showcasing the resilience of love in the face of adversity.
Luis Eduardo Pagan
Sharie Lugo
Mila Molina
Ariana Lugo
Sylvi Escoto
Hector Muñoz
Giuseppe Agrelot
Amaya Tort
Mia Ludwika Canales Dones
Manuel Carretero
Yaire Malavé
Jorge Juan Molina
Fernando Pacheco